Freedom is a human need.

Of the many human needs, it’s the most complex and hardest to attain. It’s not about freedom from external control. It’s about freedom from our internal limitations. The biggest source of our limitations comes from our past, our baggage, and whatever traumatic experiences we’ve lived through.

Past traumas limit our freedom.

Many people get it wrong. You don’t have be the victim of a sexual assault, be involved in a mass shooting, or be a combat veteran to have lived through trauma. Trauma is about any of your life experiences that made you feel helpless. It’s about those experiences that have sneaky ways of dictating the decisions you make, the thoughts you have, or even the aspirations you don’t reach for.

Shame + Baggage

If you’ve been through trauma, the biggest result or byproduct is shame. Even though you understand, intellectually, that you’re not at fault, you feel inherent shame about yourself, and your worth. There’s also baggage. Past baggage is all of those things that seem to have happened to you, that limit what you think of yourself, or the world around you. It’s the mindset that constricts your life and energy. You scramble to work twice as hard without much progress. When you think about past baggage, I want you to see it for what it is – with big “L-I-E-S” stamped across the front.

You can be free from anxiety, shame, and a life of limitations and lies.

Reshape and rewire your brain to remove the chains of your past, so that you can create a life of love, life, and possibilities. I can tell you that past clients and I have cleared significant trauma in as little as one session. Or you can come experience freedom for yourself. Work with me to rewire your brain. Your chemistry. Your life.

This is about discharging what once held a vice-grip over how you lived your life.

Whether you’ve gone through trauma, or have past baggage that holds you back, you can learn the skills and finesse required to remove whatever control it has over you now. Get freedom from your past to shape a new future for yourself. Stop living in the past, habitually repeating the same, un-resourceful behaviors that no longer serve you.

You don’t have to live a caged life.

You don’t have to be captive of your past – in fact, you can use your past for greater freedom and power. Imagine your life with a new-found ability to breathe in deeply: the sense of peace, security, and personal power that’s been missing your whole life. Find out how powerful you really are, and how far you can go with a new map & perspective of a world free from past limitations. I’d love to help you get freedom from anxiety, shame, and past limitations. Fill out the form today.