Don’t bother, you’re not good enough. Just get through this, suck it up, and you’ll reach the light at the end of the tunnel some day. We all have really unhelpful thoughts and beliefs. The thing about these limiting beliefs is that it significantly changes the course of your life. Instead of showing up in the world to create the business you won’t even allow yourself to dream about, you settle for a law career because your grandmother told you you were born to argue.

So if these sneaky thoughts – you know, like the belief that if you suck it up now, you’ll be happy someday? – create a punishing future you don’t deserve, what are you willing to do about it now? Stop settling for a life you hate because maybe you might be happy one day. As long as you engage in those defeating thoughts, you’ll never be happy. Continuing to be someone you’re not because the power lives up in your head instead of your heart serves no one.

So learn to change your thoughts. Just by smiling, you’ll actually be happier (your body releases the happy hormones) and you’ll think happier thoughts. Trick your brain. The premise of CBT is that we can change how we feel, think, or act just by changing one of the three. This means that you can change your thoughts simply by changing your behaviors. Q) How do you do this? A) Act like the person you want to become, and you’ll change the way you think.


Feel the fear and do it anyway.


Contact Me if you’re ready to create the change you’ve been waiting for.

You need to live YOUR life. No one else can, or ever will. Don’t waste your gift. #SingularPresence


Photo courtesy of @chiro