3 Sneaky Signs That You Live With a Mask On

To thine own self be true. -W. Shakespeare, Polonius in Hamlet As members of modern society and pop culture, we have an obsession with living an authentic life. What does it mean to live authentically and in alignment, anyway? When meeting with clients for the first...

Life’s Voyage

Sometimes, having the right framework means the difference between living a life you dream about and living a life that’s filled with solitude, victimhood, and frustration. I’m going to give you one of those frameworks now. But I want you to understand...

Five Tips I’d Give My Younger Self

What do I know now that I wish I’d known earlier in my years? The following tips are the things that come to mind. I earned them fair and square, having learned them the long and hard way – through many years of experiencing. I wear these statutes on my...