We’re all guilty of using self-sabotage as an excuse as to why we don’t seem to meet the goals we set, or why we always get in the way of ourselves. Whenever we have particular feelings, thoughts, or actions that come up and create barriers to meeting our goals with ease, we grumble to ourselves that we’re powerless to self-sabotage. You’re in luck, because I’m about to shake your world.
Self-sabotage doesn’t exist. It’s an un-resourceful myth that’s perpetuated frequently, and it keeps people stuck. What you think you want is not the same as what you really want. What do I mean by that? Well… if it’s true that: A) the unconscious mind controls the majority of our behaviors, and B) every behavior has a positive intention, then, C) self-destruction doesn’t actually exist in the unconscious mind’s vocabulary.
In order for us to live in a resourceful, self-empowering way, there are certain mindsets and beliefs we need to adopt. One of the most important ones: self-sabotage is merely a fictitious ghost, haunting you in a constant state of living stuck. So, knowing A) the unconscious mind controls the majority of our behaviors, and B) every behavior has a positive intention, AND, C) self-destruction doesn’t actually exist in the unconscious mind’s vocabulary… therefore, D) people always work perfectly and always make the best decisions for themselves at any given time.
Let’s go back to, what you think you want is not the same as what you really want. Our unconscious minds are always working behind the scenes to keep us safe. When we promise to start going to the gym but hit the snooze button every morning at 5am, our behaviors are telling us something. What is it that you really want – in this example, what do you want more, an energized body, or an easy life? Think about the function of each behavior in your life that you think holds you back. Do you tell yourself that you want to eat a healthy snack, but eat a donut instead? What is the function of that behavior? i.e., what purpose does the donut serve? Is it soothing? Find something else to soothe you. Is it distracting you from unwanted thoughts? Find another way to distract you from those thoughts – or better yet, figure out a way to resolve the situations in the first place! Do you promise to start a good relationship with your daughter, only to lose your temper with her again?
What to do: understand that you work perfectly just as you are right now. You can change if you want to, but it starts with giving yourself some slack.
The good news is, all change takes place on an unconscious level before we see it consciously. Our unconscious minds do all the work that’s required for change. Change is actually quite effortless when you live in an aligned space. The bad news though, is that we’re often unsure about how to connect on an unconscious level. How do you make changes on an unconscious level? Stick around…!
Contact Me if you’re ready to begin your life transformation today.#MentalFitnessTraining
You need to live your life. No one else can, or ever will. Your life is your gift. Don’t waste it. #SingularPresence