Every thought we think is creating our future.
Louise Hay
By now, we’ve all heard of the LOA – Law of Attraction.
It’s no secret that many of us hope it to be true:
that we can bring into our lives the things we can visualize.
But it also works in other, much more fundamental ways:
it brings into our realities things that we’re unconsciously holding on to.
What comes up, must come down.
But only within the context of gravitational pull.
As such, what we desire to create only happens within certain contexts,
and in others, things we didn’t know were bubbling beneath the surface become reality.
It’s a simple task, really, to tap into the Law of Attraction.
And science is now beginning to catch up in showing us how it all works.
But because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s easy.
For example, Sysyphus was a king in Greek mythology.
For his arrogance and dishonesty,
he was punished by Zeus to roll a very big ball up a hill over and over again:
a simple task but a maddening one.
It’s a simple task to lose weight, but not necessarily easy.
It’s a simple challenge to forget the past, but not always straightforward.
The Law of Attraction is simple, in that like attracts like.
But to do that – to be where you need to be and to attract what you want to attract, is not so effortless.
Quantum physics,
String theory,
and Einstein’s Relativity theory
all explain how it works.
Let me show you how you can apply it to create abundance, love, and peace.
In order to apply what works for LOA, there are three things we must understand about how your brain works:
Science shows that the brain can’t tell the difference between what it sees and what it thinks about: when researchers measure the brain to see the parts that become active when we’re remembering something vs. observing something…
the same parts of the brain light up.
That is, your brain sees information the same way it remembers it. This neural network and pattern tells us that the brain works just the same whether it’s something that’s really happened vs. imagined.
In fact, scientists have found it possible to burn calories and increase muscle tone by intensely visualizing exercising and not engaging in the exercise itself.
There is part in your brain called the RAS (reticular activating system). This part of the brain is the gate-keeper of all things you’re consciously aware of. For example, when you walk into a room full of strangers, there are certain things you’ll become conscious of; others, you won’t.
It may not be necessary for you to know how many people are wearing glasses; but you may want to know if it’s socially acceptable to drink at this setting. Whereas, if you were given instructions to meet someone named Dr. Black and you have an unconscious stereotype of psychiatrists to wear glasses, your RAS will bring into conscious awareness everyone in the room who’s wearing glasses.
Thus, you’re only consciously aware of things that your brain deems important for you to know. You may not even be aware of what those rules are (what’s considered important for your brain, what’s not).
Learn about the third leg of the holy trio in understanding how the LOA works, and some exercises for you to practice using LOA to your advantage.
Live with intention. Inspire with Love.