Life is not always a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes playing a poor hand well.

Jack London

In the US, states are beginning to consider reopening,
if they haven’t already.

For some, during the COVID19 pandemic, life seemed to be put on pause and created a lot of anxiety and depression.

For others, the pause has helped to reshape perceptions of what’s important in life, and increased a sense of
reconnecting authentically with life.

The difference that separates Anxious Anna and Peaceful Penny is one thing: hope.

The evidence for hope, beyond current situations?

Research shows, 
Feeling in control
Positive Emotions
Positive social relationships
Achievement in major life domains
Freedom from anxiety and depression

In fact, individuals who scored high on hope assessments more actively pursued their goals because they had 1. knew what their goals were, and 2. had specific ways of achieving the goals they set their minds to.

It’s not too late to change your mindset. 
Increase how much hope you have.

What’s the quickest way to increase hope?
Change your narrative:

Take 15 minutes to write a little story.
In this story, create a main character, put him in a plot with a beginning, middle, and end, and create a happily-ever-ending given the specific plot and problem in the story.
Don’t forget to add lots of details.
It doesn’t have to make any sense or have any connections to your current situation; your Unconscious Mind connects the dots.

What kind of story will you write? Share your thoughts below.

Live with intention. Inspire with Love.