Self-Reflection for Growth

The end of 2017 is quickly approaching around the corner . I can’t help but think, what have you done so far to really make use of this time? We make such a huge deal about coming up with lofty New Years Resolutions around this time, but many forget that the...

Develop Identity with Intention

“The devil whispered in my ear, ‘You’re not strong enough to withstand the storm.’ I whispered in the Devil’s ear, ‘I am the storm.'” When I heard this particular mantra and incantation come through my headphones, it sent...

Change Your Thoughts by Changing Your Actions

Don’t bother, you’re not good enough. Just get through this, suck it up, and you’ll reach the light at the end of the tunnel some day. We all have really unhelpful thoughts and beliefs. The thing about these limiting beliefs is that it significantly...

Resilience Through Thought

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right (Albert Einstein). Resilience is the ability to get up after being knocked down. It’s what you think of when you hear the words, grit and perseverance. Resilience is not about short-term...

Remove the Chatter

What is mind-chatter? It’s that nagging, incessant voice that drags you into a pool of judgments. It’s the elevator music singing you the repetitive tune of “Never Good Enough.” Mind-chatter is the chip on your shoulder telling you to keep...